Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Legal or Ethical Situation - DQ 2

Legal or Ethical Situation - DQ 2

Q Describe a legal or ethical situation that you have encountered in your professional career. This could be an issue such as sexual harassment, use of a copier machine for personal copies, falsifying documents, substance abuse, conflict of interest and so forth.

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In my previous organization, my senior manager used to always be in intoxication and used to be involved in substance abuse and it was quite evident. This is because there used to be a kind of weird and obnoxious odor and smell which used to come from the body and the mouth of my senior manager when he used to be around me or any other employee. Moreover, other employees apart from me had also noticed and become aware of the same aspect of the senior manager being always coming in an intoxicated way at the workplace.